"I don't want to surrender my life to God, because He will send me to Africa.".
It's almost become a joke in some circles. Especially for those of us who have "given in" and "become Christians". We have discovered that saying "yes" to God has become a life saturated with love and grace, not a dictatorship. And most of us are not living in Africa. Case closed. Or is it?
I've been studying the book of Philippians with my Ladies Bible Study group, and chapter 1 has given me a lot to chew on. Here is a passage that we've probably all heard our entire lives (v.21-24):
For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor; yet what I shall choose I cannot tell. For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.
Honestly, when I first read it, I completely skimmed over it. Like I said, I've read it before. I've heard it preached at funerals - isn't that one of our favorite funeral verses? But this time was different. Let me set the stage for you.
I have been working in corporate America for nearly 13 years with the same company. It has been a great company to work for, and I have had many opportunities for growth and movement, so I have no real complaints. But, it was my 1 year plan out of college. I had graduated with a music degree with grand dreams, but when I graduated I found myself with rent, car payments and school loans that needed to be repaid. So, to corporate America I went.
It has been an internal (and sometimes external) battle most of my time here. Everything in me cries out to be more, do more, go places that aren't here. I hate Excel reports! There is a reason I didn't study business. Yet, here I am. And some days, it feels like DEATH. You may think I'm being dramatic, but hey, these are my confessions.
So fast forward to a couple weeks ago in Bible Study. We read this passage together, and we get to the part where it says "Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you." And the dagger of the Word cut straight through my heart. I have been so focused on what I want, my dreams, my vision, my ideas of what life should be like. Yet here Paul is showing that he is so surrendered and so secure in his position with Christ, that he is willing to forfeit his greatest wish for the good of those he is serving. It struck me then, that maybe it's not about me (I know, novel concept!), but maybe I'm here because it is more "needful" for those I serve in corporate America.
The question, now, is this: "Will you surrender your entire life for that which is "needful"?" What is your Africa? For me, it's corporate America. For some, it may be more schooling. For others, it might actually be Africa. At least in the continent, you might get to see Elephants! But I digress.
When the children of Israel left Egypt (Hey, isn't that in Africa? What a coincidence!), they were led straight into the wilderness. The amazing thing about this story, is that God's glory and His grace hovered over them throughout the entire journey. As He moved, they moved, and their feet didn't get burned in the sand, they weren't scorched by the desert sun - they were completely protected in the shadow of His wing. This is our encouragement. God's grace and His glory cover us in our Africas. And when it's time to move, He will move with us. Take heart, dear one. Your Africa is likely not your final destination - just a step on one amazing journey.