- An encouraging word can become a lifeline in the middle of a storm. Prophetic words become rocks to stand on when the sand is shifting beneath your feet. ~ Prov 25:11
- Regardless of how "dark" your circumstances or environment seem, God's light is always brighter. Being "hidden in Him" makes you a lighthouse! ~ Ps 139:12
- Knowing something in your head is completely different than knowing something by experience! This applies in just about every area - marriage, ministry, business, relationships, moving....
- It's easy to become so comfortable in the wilderness that crossing into a promise can be terrifying. Maybe this is why God emphasized "Be strong and courageous" 3 times in 4 verses (Josh 1:6-9). 4b. Strength is found in God's presence (see Josh 1:5,9)
- We are created for community and connection. This is magnified when you move to a new city where you know no one. Good friends are gifts from the Lord. 5b. Facebook, Twitter, Skype, cell phones and the USPS are also gifts that help us stay connected with friends and family who are far away!
- Home is wherever you are planted. While there are certainly things I miss about Texas, I feel home here in Maine. This is where God has called us. This is where I want to be!
Blessings to you, my friends! May you continue growing in the knowledge of Him who loves you beyond all comprehension!