Wednesday, January 16, 2013


When I was in high school, I played on the volleyball team my freshman and sophomore year (the benefits of going to a tiny school include making a team as a non-athlete!).   For those who have played the sport, you may be familiar with the "substitution" calls.   In my experience, it went something like this:
      "Christi, you're tall, so you're going to play only in the front row.   When you rotate to the back 
       row, you will come out, and let someone else come in to play the back row, then you will go 
       back in as they get to the front row."
This was always a bummer, because I liked to serve, but I understood that my height served better purpose in the front row where I could both block and spike the ball.   It was better for the team for me to be there, rather than in the back row, because I was not as agile and quick as some of the others, skills that are most definitely required for back row success. 

Now, while there are probably a lot of other examples for "substitution", this was one came to mind as I thought about the word, "Substitute".   You see, I was at church last week for a class being taught by Dudley Hall called, "Christian Living vs. Gospel Living", an amazing study on the book of Galatians and what it means for us.   So far the Introduction (Session 1) and Week 1 (Sessions 2 & 3) are online here, and the others will be posted shortly after each Wednesday class for tonight and the next 2 Wednesday nights.  I highly encourage you to check it out, but I digress.

Last week as Dudley Hall was explaining "The Story", or the "Gospel", he was talking about how God created us to enjoy Him as He completely enjoys Himself.   There is no disappointment or anger or negativity within the Godhead, but only complete joy, and He is inviting us to enjoy Him in the same way. (Dudley really explains it much better!).   Why?   "When you fully enjoy God as He enjoys Himself, you will quit looking for substitutes."

That statement nearly dropped me right there in the back of the church.   It was as if a giant spotlight turned to the volleyball court of my life, and revealed the times where I was substituting God right out of my game, thinking that other things/people would yield "better" results.   And these "substitutions" occur on a regular basis in the form of television, friends, husband, Pinterest, "good" books, music, movies....need I go on?  And then I wonder why there isn't a fountain of His joy overflowing in my life.   Can we say, "Duh!"? 

The beautiful thing about all of this, is that there is no condemnation, but rather an invitation.   It's an invitation to the greatest place of joy - a joy that strengthens, comforts, encourages, overflows, and it comes from recognizing that it's in our DNA.  We are created to enjoy all of who He is, and that's a lot!   He's so amazingly wonderful, beautiful, multifaceted, vibrant, brilliant, radiant, and He's in a good mood!

"These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full." 
~ Jesus  (In John 15:11)

"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." ~Ps. 16:11

"Instead of your shame there shall be a double portion; instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their lot; therefore in their land they shall possess a double portion; they shall have everlasting joy." 
~Is 61:7

And lastly, my prayer for you (and me):

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." ~Rom 15:13

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