I've never been part of building a house. In fact, I've never really been part of building any kind of building. Well, I did pound a few nails on a Habitat for Humanity project last year, but I never saw the plans, I didn't know the contractors, and no one asked my opinion regarding how it should be built. They just gave me a hammer and some nails and said, "over there." From that little experience, I can say with certainty, that building houses is HARD work, especially in the Texas summer sun!
While I don't know a whole lot about the process, I know that before you can build a house several things are required. First, you need some land that is zoned and approved for residential living. Then you need an architect to draw up some plans. Finally, you need a general contractor to organize the laborers and get the work done. Almost always, it seems like there are adjustments to the plans, delays in the process, workers that don't live up to their end of the bargain, weather that doesn't cooperate, and paint colors that look different in the house than they did in the store.
I think our lives and destinies are like houses that are being built. God has plans for each of our lives. He knows where we will be built; He knows when we will be ready; He knows what we're being built for; He knows how big or small we need to be; He knows what materials are needed for our locations. He is a Master Architect. Not only does He have all the plans, but He is also the General Contractor. He knows the budget, the materials, the deadlines, and He loves delegating different portions of the home to "sub-contractors".
Confession: I am getting impatient in the building process!
I like to watch those DIY shows on the Home Improvement channels, and I always laugh at the homeowners who are trying to save money, so they do their own projects, only to screw it up royally and have to call in a contractor to fix it. The homeowners that really drive me crazy are those who try to change the plans after the work has started, against the contractors advice, then yell at the contractor when their budget gets blown or the house isn't done on time. Yet, here I am, one of those crazy homeowners trying to build my own house faster. I keep trying to change the plans, tell the Contractor how I think it should look, and trying to get it done in breakneck speed. I keep trying to see the plans, but I know that even if I actually got to see them plans, I wouldn't understand them anyway. I'm a musician, not an architect!
And don't even get me started on those sub-contractors! You know those who are responsible for drilling, nailing, cutting, sanding? You may have some of those in your life too....work, school, friends, enemies, family members. All of these people and situations make for some uncomfortable seasons in our lives, but they are so needed if our homes are going to be safe, reliable and functional places.
God is an amazing contractor with amazing plans for us. He knows the budget, the deadlines, and has all the right people set up to get us to our destiny and purpose. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are "His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Doesn't that sound good? I don't know about you, but I want to walk in good works, so it makes sense that I should stick with His plans. Psalm 127:1 says, "Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that build it." What this says to me is, "Christi, quit taking the hammer from my hands! I have everything under control, and your house will be perfect for you. Trust me, and rest in me. This is what I do best!"