Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Expecting the Unexpected

I have a couple different confessions for you tonight, so this might get interesting.

Confession #1:   Sometimes I'm pretty dense.  

Sometimes God speaks to me through the strangest things.   I think He does that because He knows that I'm a little crazy and creative.   However, this also lends itself to me missing the fact that God is actually speaking.  

Confession #2:   Sometimes I get annoyed by the very thing that God is using to speak to me.

This has happened to me twice within the last 3 days. (Gimme a break! I already confessed to being a little dense!)     On Monday night, I was at the Rangers Ballpark taking in a great baseball game, and enjoying the finest ballpark cuisine.    For me, that means NACHOS with extra cheese and jalapenos.   After I had eaten about half my nachos, I found a french fry.   Since it was doused in cheese, I just ate it without a second thought.   Then it happened again.  Another french my nachos!     I was a little annoyed since I didn't order french fries and they didn't belong in my nachos.   But, truthfully, I just shrugged and moved on to finishing my nachos.   Then tonight, I was out at dinner with my husband.  We both ordered 1/2 sandwich with a cup of potato soup.    As I was about half way through my soup, I got a bite of chicken.   Last time I checked, there is no chicken in potato soup, and so I asked Paul if he had chicken in his soup.   Much to my dismay, he didn't have any chicken in his soup.  Twice there were food items put together that one wouldn't really put together normally!  Weird! 

This seemed too random, so I started thinking that maybe God was saying something.   What He was saying, I couldn't really say, but I knew He was speaking.   Which leads me to my next confession.

Confession #3:  I still have limited expectations about what all things God related should look like.

At Bible study tonight, we started talking about being seated in heavenly places (Ephesians 2), and all the things that might look like.   Then we started talking about Philip and how he was translated, and Jacob and how he saw a ladder into heaven, and Peter, James and John and how they saw Jesus transfigured on the mountain, and those who had visions of the throne room of heaven. 

It started my imagination.   You see, I believe that God is bigger, more creative, and crazy fun, and that He likes to show His bigness, creativity and have crazy fun.   What if He wants us to experience some of heaven on earth?   What if He wants to show us the brilliance that is His home?   What if He wants us to hear His favorite music?  What if He wants to take us on a trip around the world without cars, boats or airplanes?  

And as I pondered these thoughts on my drive home, I went back to the unexpected surprises in my food.  The french fries were actually good smothered in nacho cheese, and the chicken was a nice addition to my otherwise meatless soup, so I really had nothing to complain about.    And what if it wasn't about the food at all, but really about challenging my way of thinking?    What if potato soup was supposed to have chicken in it all along?  What if God is really trying to teach me to expect the unexpected?   Given my history with God, it's completely rational that he would use french fries in nachos to expand my expectations of all that He is.  Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?

"Look among the nations, and watch- Be utterly astounded!   For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you."  ~Hab 1:5

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