Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Just Like Me

Confession:   I think that everyone should be just like me.

Doesn't that just sound ridiculous?    When I say it out loud, it screams ARROGANCE!     It's easy to hide this though.  It's easy to pretend that I don't really believe that.    But it comes out in the darndest ways.    

It comes out in my marriage, when I think that Paul should read my mind or should want Chinese food for dinner or should want to watch that chic flick.

It shows up at work in meetings with other managers, in dealing with employees I think should approach their job the same way I do, in assessing values to claims, when others are promoted before me.

It shows up in the church community, when I believe that I have greater revelation than another denomination, when worship doesn't go the way I think it should, or when people are in leadership that I don't agree with.

It shows up in patriotism, when I believe the US is better than other nations, when I believe that everyone learns and believes history they way I do, or when I think that other countries and cultures should embrace our western ways.   

It shows up in the grocery store when I think that mom should get a handle on her kids.  

It shows up on the road when I think everyone should drive like me.   

It's crazy, because I really do love the uniqueness of people, cultures, denominations.   I love that we all see different facets of the same jewels.   What I haven't quite conquered yet is the thought that my way of thinking may not be the only right way of thinking.   It's always easy to appreciate someone else's point of view if they're wrong!   But what if they are right?   What if there are more right ways of thinking than wrong ways?   What if it's not a matter of right v. wrong, but just different?

Paul addresses this a bit in Philippians 2:4 when he says, "in humility, value others better than yourselves."    What if we really did value others better than ourselves?   What if I really valued their points of view, their beliefs, their cultures, their politics better than mine?

Now, there is a line here that we do not want to cross.   I am not talking about universalism, "all roads lead to God", or a relative morality.    The Bible is very clear that Jesus is THE way, THE truth and THE life, and that no one comes to the Father without coming through Him.    What I am talking about, though, is the silly arguments we can get into over the minutiae.   What if tattoos aren't really what's keeping me out of heaven?   What if worship without instruments is just as beautiful as a full band and choir?   What if the still small voice of God is screaming through someone who thinks differently than me?    That would make sense. After all, wasn't it God who said, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways."?      

The great news is that we have a super special gift!   The Holy Spirit teaches us about everything, and reveals God in everything, and He guides our hearts and minds.    We have been given the mind of Christ, so we have access to His thoughts!   What if we took captive every single one of our thoughts, and allowed His thoughts alone?   I wonder how different our lives would look.   I bet His world is amazingly beautiful, full of passion and purpose.   That's how I want to see this world and the people He loves so much.   

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."  ~Romans 12:2

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