Friday, August 17, 2012

Who Knows?

We are in the middle of a crazy reorganization at work.   Big picture, this will be a great thing for the company, and we are very blessed not to be losing any jobs, which is amazing given the current economy.   However, there are impending changes of management, office location, structure, processes, and commutes.  We are still early in the process which means there are far more questions than answers.   You can imagine the unrest that has accompanied the announced changes.

There is a lot of speculation around the unknowns, and if I had a dollar for every "Who knows?" that has been spoken, I would be able to retire!   "Who knows where we'll be?"  "Who knows what it will look like in a few months?"  "Who knows who we'll work for?"     I must admit I've said a few of these myself.    

In the midst of all of these "Who knows", I was taken back to a Beth Moore class on Esther.   She was talking about Esther's doubt of her position, and Mordecai's response, "Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"  (Est 4:14)   Beth brought up the point that in the midst of our "who knows" there is One who knows.   

In Jeremiah 29:11, God tell us, "For I know the plans I have for you."     Psalm 139:16 says,  "Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."    It would seem to me that God knows a whole lot about my life.   So when these announcements came down, He did not fall off His thrown and say, "Oh my Self!  I can't believe that just happened!"    Instead, He's on His throne, chillin' with Mike and Gabe, and cheering us on.   He's rooting for us hear the audibles from the coach (aka the Holy Spirit) and run the routes we need to win the game.  So, when you see those big guys running straight for you, listen for the Spirit, juke when He tells you, and watch those giants fall.   You will make it to the endzone, and dancing in this game is not illegal!    Who knows, you might even make a highlight reel!  

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